Good books are comfort food for the mind

Good books are comfort food for the mind

Overcome Isolation. Invite an Author and Her Characters Into Your Home! If you can’t listen to another minute of CNN, or need a break from Zoom screens, an upbeat book could be just what you need. Here is a list I compiled of comfort books. Some are upbeat and...
Winter vacation reading

Winter vacation reading

Do you have time off during the holidays? Despite busy, noisy celebrations, will you have quiet time by a fire or in a sun-filled room to curl up under a quilt with a book? Here are three books you might enjoy. Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life by...
Good news about reviews

Good news about reviews

The Baby Decision has received three commendations from The American Library Association. It received a starred review from Blue Ink, an indie books’ sister publication to Booklist, which reviews traditionally published books. Then it was selected as the non-fiction...
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