Overcome Isolation. Invite an Author and Her Characters Into Your Home!

If you can’t listen to another minute of CNN, or need a break from Zoom screens, an upbeat book could be just what you need. Here is a list I compiled of comfort books. Some are upbeat and light-hearted throughout. Others bring you face to face with characters who have suffered, but beautiful writing and the author’s vision bring you — and the characters — a sense of transcendent joy.

You might want to check a book’s online description to see if it grabs you before downloading it. If you’re concerned about spending money on these books, (who isn’t just now?) try your public library. During the crisis, publishers are expanding licensing for libraries to offer more books to their patrons. If you have a digital subscription such as Audible or Kindle Unlimited, you might be able to download some of these for free.

Upbeat Novels to Read in Trying Times
by Merle Bombardieri, MSW, LICSW
Backman, Fredric A Man Called Ove
Cameron, Peter The City of Your Final Destination
Forna, Aminatta Happiness
Frankel, Laurie This is How it Always Is
Freudenberger, Nell Lost and Wanted
Greer, Andrew Sean Less
Haruf, Kent Plainsong
Humphreys, Joseph Rich in Love
Johnson, Diane Le Mariage
Joyce, Rachel The Long Pilgrimage of
Kingsolver, Barbara The Bean Trees
Kingsolver, Barbara Prodigal Summer
Lessing, Doris Love, Again
Lombardo, Claire The Most Fun We Ever Had
Napolitano,  Anne Dear Edward
Pagan, Camille This Won’t End Well
Rachman, Tom The Imperfectionists
Schine, Cathleen The Evolution of Jane
Schine, Cathleen Love Letters
Schumacher, Julie Dear Committee Members
Semple, Maria Where’d You Go, Bernadette
Sheehan, Jacqueline Lost and Found
Sheehan, Jacqueline Now and Then
Simison, Graeme The Rosie Project
Tyler, Ann The Accidental Tourist
Weiner, Jennifer In Her Shoes
Zapata, Michael The Lost Book of Adana Moreau
Zevin, Gabrielle The Storied Life of A.J. Fakry


In addition to my own list, here is one suggested by prominent authors in the New York Times.

Link: Authors on Books that Bring Them Comfort: The New York Times

If you want lots of recommendations, turn to The Novel Cure, which recommends 751 books to cure emotional ailments from A to Z. The authors quote Andre Gide: “To read a writer…. [means] to go off with him and travel in his company.”

Link: The Novel Cure on Amazon.com

Thanks to my client M.H. for inspiring me to write this post when asking for some recommendations.

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