telling others about your decision

You don’t have to tell anyone yet if the decision is brand new and you are waiting for it to jell. There are some people you may never tell, such as co-workers, acquaintance, neighbors, and busybodies. If you are worried about someone’s reaction — most typically parents or siblings/friends with children who are hoping that you will provide a cousin or buddy — you will probably be more comfortable postponing talking to them until you have shared the news with people who will be excited for you and totally supportive. Those conversations will give you more confidence for the tougher ones.

  1. Saying it aloud makes it more real. This may be scary, but also exhilarating. It forces you to step into the decision, to fully own it.
  2. You will benefit from support from family and friends who respect your decision. Even though you may meet disapproval from others, the supportive people will solidify your choice by listening to how you arrived at it. They may have some suggestions for getting the most out of your childfree life.
  3. You may be pleasantly surprised to discover that some people who you thought would disapprove are actually supportive and respectful.
  4. Telling people about the choice makes your thinking and values clearer to you as you explain it to others. People often say that having to teach someone something, vague ideas get clearer in your own mind before you speak them.
  5. If you are a couple, hearing how your partner describes the decision process and plans for the future may lead to new insights or help you appreciate your partner even more.


An invitation:

Please join us at The Decision Café, my new private Facebook group, and add your voice to the discussion. I can’t wait to see you there!


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